#george luz angst
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Request: omg you are my favourite writer, and I read your bob stuff weekly again and again ! If you feel like it, I was thinking prompt 7? With George Luz ? I’m a sucker for angst so like anything angsty with my boo George Luz.
Summary: Bastogne took a serious toll on Easy Company. At the loss of so many friends, George Luz started to tamper with his luck a bit too much for a certain medic's liking.
"We have a problem." "No— you have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps getting in trouble."
Pairing: George Luz x medic!Reader
Genre: angst
Band Of Brothers: @fernando-jpg @chubbypotatoepie @tvserie-s-world @clumsy-wonderland @lordndsaviorwinters
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @comfort-reads
Warnings: mentions of death, survivor's guilt, self-destructive behavior, depressed George Luz (YES THIS IS A WARNING I'M GENUINELY SORRY)
A/N: you asked for angst? I'll give you angst. Also, it's been SOOO long idek if I'm gonna write the BoB boys right/as I used to, so bear with me while I try to get the hang of this again. Enjoy this request and remember they're open so feel free to send ideas <3.
Band of Brothers masterlist
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
In war, much like in any aspect of life, there would always be recklessness.
Little did it matter whether it was on the XO's, the Privates' or the civilians'. There would always be recklessness causing avoc amongst the carefully detailed strategies. It wasn't an excuse for whatever the outcome was, but it was expected and one could somewhat prepare to counteract it— to balance it out.
George Luz's behavior during our last days in the Bois Jaques was not recklessness.
No, it wasn't something as simple, so easily justified by inexperience, pride or short-temper. It was darker, more complicated, and way much worrying than recklessness.
'you think he's tryna kill himself?'
Spina's question, the one he had whispered to me in our foxhole a few nights prior, echoed in the back of my mind every day since then.
'Don't say that.' I had responded at the time.
Now George Luz laid before me, unconscious, with bandages under his winter uniform and I asked myself the same damn question.
Twenty Hours Earlier
Lip's shouts were barely audible, muffled under the thunderous shelling of our position.
We had just managed to advance further into the Bois Jaques and towards the town of Foy, which seemed more and more unreachable each passing day, when that dreadful whistling hovered over us.
Foxholes barely dug and low morale after the loses we had endured the past couple of days, made it harder than usual to react on time.
Thankfully, German artillery hadn't zeroed us yet, so most of us managed to take cover.
If most of us managed, why was George still standing out in the open?
"LUZ! GET DOWN!" Someone yelled, but it didn't reach him.
"GEORGE!! DOWN!!" Lipton's throat sounded sore, but it did the trick and soon the Technician was crouching, yards away from me, helmet secured with one hand and his rifle up on the other.
Lucky Luz, an ominous, abrupt silence followed his delayed reaction as the shelling seemed to come to a halt.
"Woah," as if everything was fine, he snapped back into his carefree demeanor with a breathy laugh. "That was a close one, huh, Y/n?"
My immediate, impulse-driven reaction was to yell at him, although not even I could hear it.
Another deafening whistle.
Another explosion.
Maybe Luz was lucky himself, or maybe, just maybe, he was lucky we were willing to risk our lives for him.
Maybe he was just lucky I jumped out of my foxhole to pull him into it.
Maybe he was just lucky I wrapped him in a tight embrace to shield him from possible shrapnel the best I could.
Maybe, just maybe, he was lucky enough for me to feel his yelp despite not hearing him due to the explosions— lucky enough to have been dragged on his back instead of his tummy.
Lucky enough to be in a medic's foxhole.
The shelling stopped, this time for good. I halfheartedly let go of Luz, my gloves now crimson-stained.
My heart skipped a beat.
" 'M hit—"
"Christ— I got it." My covered palms instinctively found the left side of his ribcage, but failed to reach his wounded upper thigh.
"—fuck-" he hissed, jolting his head up in pain and consequently bumping it on my shoulder.
"LIP!" Before I could yell anything else, our Sergeant slid into the foxhole.
"WE NEED A JEEP OVER HERE! PERCONTE!" He shouted, pulling George towards him so I could move aside and properly fix him up. "It's alright, George, you're okay— right Y/n?"
Luz was not okay. We knew it.
But I couldn't exactly say that, specially just after he had been hit.
"Right, Y/n?" Lipton insisted intently, holding George in place while I ripped his jacket to have an easier access to the main wound. "Y/n?"
"Yeah- yeah, right." I mumbled, dusting the sulfa powder where he had been hit. "Sarge, I need that jeep."
Lipton sighed and looked over his shoulder. "Perco?!"
"They're comin', Lip!"
George was awfully quiet as he tried not to recoil due to the pressure put over his open wounds.
"It's alright." Lipton repeated, more to himself than to Luz.
"You're awake." She stated even before I could open my eyelids to see her standing by me, arms crossed and a frown on her face.
"How'd you know?" I question, squinting and blinking a few times before propping myself up in the poor excuse of a bed in which I had been laid to recover.
" 'Cause I know you."
"Where are we?"
"You got hit."
"I know."
"Then why on earth did you ask—"
"Dunno, I was hoping we'd be in heaven." I winked at her before completing my sentence. "Since you're my own personal angel."
"You think it's funny?" I opened my mouth in agape, not knowing which was the right answer to that —because there was always a right answer with her— but I had no time to choose. "You think it's funny that I had to put myself in harm's way to drag your ass to safety?"
I furrowed my brows with a puzzled half smile and a sort of anger I couldn't describe brewing inside me. "You're kiddin' right?" A single breathy laugh escaped my throat. "C'mon Y/n/n, I thought you knew what you were signing up for when you volunteered to be a medic."
"Excuse me?"
"I mean if you don't know you have to 'put yourself in harm's way'," I mimicked her voice, which left her stunned. "Then, we have a problem."
"No. You have a problem." oh, she was mad. "I have an idiot who keeps getting in trouble." The medic was quite obviously trying not to yell at me.
"Okay, if you say so." I shrugged, trying not to let the turmoil of emotions the conversation was triggering inside me show through my careless facade.
"What are you trying to do here, George?"
"Why are you trying to get under my skin?"
"It's just what I do best, sweetheart."
And it was true. For two years, I had been an awfully insufferable piece of shit.
How could I not? When that was the only way to get her attention back in Toccoa; the only way to stand up in the eyes of the prettiest woman I had ever seen amongst an entire Battalion of men.
Not that it took me anywhere per se, but at least we had forged a friendship based on sweet bickering, muffled laughs and knowing glances.
She used to laugh all the time.
Maybe I was no longer funny. Had I lost the one thing I was useful for?
Or maybe she was tired of me.
She did seem tired then, staring at me with a saddened, wornout visage.
"You're not okay." She nearly whispered. "I'm done letting you pretend you are."
"I'm not pretending—"
"You think I don't know what means being medic?" Her tone told me I had crossed the line. "You think I don't know I gotta get out there if someone cries for help, no matter how scared am I or how slim my chances of survival are?" Y/n tried to stay gentle, but she had had enough, which somehow scared me. "But no one screamed 'medic', George. You weren't down. But I still got out there to get you. It was not my job, do you understand?"
Shut up shut up shut up.
"Well if you're gonna complain this much then you should've left me there—"
"To die?"
Despite the crazing chaos that surrounded our little corner in the aid station, I somehow heard nothing but a deafening silence and the pounding of my heart.
"Do you wanna die, George?" I went livid, trying to look for a reply that wouldn't make me crack. "Is that what you're trying to do? Kill yourself?"
"Are you nuts?"
"Answer my question."
"I-" Scoff. "what d'you even—"
"I'm tired! I'm just tired and didn't react on time, okay? Is that what you wanna hear?"
"What I wanna hear is a good reason not to get you pulled off the line!" She shouted, stomping on the cold ground beneath us.
Oh, now people were staring.
She used to become so self-conscious about that; people giving her looks for raising her tone.
As she stood straight by my side, towering over my bed, there was not a single ounce of self-consciousness in her frame.
She was mad. Mad and hurt.
Hurt because I wasn't being honest with her. Hurt because she had been sticking up for me for an entire week because I just wasn't there; because I was, like she had just said, I was an idiot getting in trouble.
"So? Go on, then." The medic spurred me, gradually lowering her voice again. "Give me a good reason."
"You can't get the XO'S to pull me off the line, Y/n." I chose to respond, almost daring the girl.
She was holding back. I didn't quite know from what exactly but I knew she was holding back, and a part of me wanted Y/n to lash out.
I'm sure a part of her wanted, too.
Tension could be cut with a knife, and deep down I wanted to give her an answer but the truth was I couldn't find it, and if I was damn good at something, it was dodging the bullet.
"Listen if you don't have anythin' else to say," I shrugged with my brows raised. "Guess it's better for you to head out."
"Y'know what? I still have something to say." She spat through gritted teeth, yanking a stool that stood alone by a blooded stretcher. With a deep breath, she sat down beside me, which was the last thing I expected her to do. "You're a fuckin' moron. You've always been. But you've never been an asshole." She spoke intently, trying to get her point across despite me not being in the best place to listen. "You're not an asshole, George."
No matter how angry or frustrated she was, there was always an inherent sweetness in her tone whenever she talked to me, one that shook me to the core because how could someone be so lovely in such horrific setting? How could she be so lovely to me?
"And you're not gonna convince me otherwise." She firmly stated, staring straight into my soul to make herself clear.
'I see through your bullshit'.
"So quit it."
She remained expectant, waiting for me to say something —anything.
I couldn't.
She knew it.
With a defeated sigh, she reached out for my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before getting up and out of the tent. It was her way to apologize because she had to leave. I knew that gesture too well.
Aldbourne, Early September
Laughter and soft music kept the good spirits high inside the crowded pub in Aldbourne; our small safe haven. The only place where I had seen Y/n loosen up completely.
She lit up the place, dancing with Penkala, telling stories with Guarnere, cracking jokes with Martin —her dry humor matched his perfectly.
It was, I think, while she held onto my arm, throwing her head back in a fit of laughter due to something Babe had said, that I knew I loved her.
Even with her head on my shoulder and my arm lazily wrapped around her waist, she remembered to check her watch. Ever the dutiful one.
"Jesus! Would you look at that?" She pulled away from me, her fingers gently clasping my forearm before giving me an apologetic smile. "Gotta head out already, boys."
"Oh, c'mon Y/n" Buck complained, but she repeated the gesture with him and he knew no amount of convincing would get her to stay.
"But we're just getting started!" Babe complained.
"Sorry, Heffron. I really gotta head out." She squeezed his bicep briefly when she walked past him. "You better not be late, Compton!" She yelled as a form of goodbye before waving at the boys filling the English bar, now a bit less merry. At least for me.
"M'kay what else do we need?" I asked Gene, my trusted pencil in hand to write down the supplies needed on the back of a photograph.
"What d'you have so far?"
"Uhm... Morphine," I listed, raising a finger. "bandages, three pairs of scissors,"
"Sulfa powder." He added, going through the boxes we had left.
"Sulfa... powder..." I muttered with knitted eyebrows while I noted the words. "Anything else?"
"Let me check—" The medic stood up in his foxhole, his attention caught on a particular voice coming from our left. "Ain't that—"
"Yes it is. Fuck." I handed Eugene the photograph and climbed out the dug out patch on the frozen ground. A part of us expected to be wrong, but of course not. What had initially been tentative steps turned into fast stalking. "Are you kidding me?"
George's laugh died down and a wave of 'shit's came out of the group of veterans surrounding him, who quickly spread out.
"Missed me much?" The attempted playfulness was charged with masked fear. He let out a yelp when I grasped his forearm and dragged him away from curious ears. "What's that for?"
"Don't you dare act stupid." I hissed with a menacing index finger up at his face.
"Okay, Y/n, listen—"
"You went AWOL in this state. I'm not listening to any bullshit."
"Oh, c'mon" the dismissive eye roll only made me fume even more. "We've all done that."
"It's not the same."
"You're. Not. Okay. George."
"Oh and you are?!" I sushed him when he inevitably rose his tone at me, clearly forgetting we didn't know exactly how close we were to the Germans. "Breaking news, Y/n/n!" The belligerent tone in which my nickname had come out sounded so unnatural. "no one's okay!"
"Winters is expecting my final advice."
"On what?"
"On whether to pull you back or not." His mouth opened in agape, betrayal reflected all over him. "I wasn't bluffing when I said I'd get you out." There was a finality in my words, one that neither of us liked.
Since the current situation seemed to be leading to the one which had place in the aid station a couple of days prior, I turned heel and attempted to leave.
"Y/n wait—" George's digits yanked back the sleeve of my coat. "I don't want out!" His throat suffered from the rasping.
"Then why does it look like you do?"
I should have stopped pushing.
"YOU DIDN'T SEE IT!" He exchanged the whisper-shouts for a loud cry filled with anger and frustration and something that made his chocolate brown irises water.
"DON'T SHUSH ME!" He was losing it. It wasn't the yelling that gave it away, but the push on my shoulder.
I shouldn't have, but I myself didn't have much patience left in me. Against better judgement, My gloves found the lapels of his coat and shoved him back against a nearby tree. "I don't wanna get shot, George, so tone it down." The softness in my pitch came out as a hard contrast to my actions.
It did the trick, though. After a gulp and a deep breath, George's tone lowered. "You didn't see it? Okay? No one saw— I- They- " My hands abandoned him in order to offer some space, hoping that would help him articulate his thoughts better. "There was noth- nothing left!"
"What's-" I tilted my head to the side, trying to make sense out of the unfinished sentences. "What d'you mean w—"
"And I was right there!" He pushed himself off the tree, an index pointing at his chest violently. "I had to see it! Right in front of me!"
"George, you need to slow down-" my palms raised in surrender, ready to grab the technician if necessary.
The tension he was building up made both of our hearts pound faster each passing second for more than one reason.
"First Toye and... And then that happened and I-I had to dig out the fuckin'- the goddamn cross! I was- There were... Parts of 'em—"
"It was... I was looking for it all over and... it was all mushy and I don't know if it was... Dirt or... Jesus..." The man took a step back, consciously or not and his legs seemed to falter ever so slightly.
"Okay, I got you." clasping his forearms with all my might, I helped him hold himself upright, not without some staggering. "I need you to breathe, okay?" My eyes searched for his, unwilling to meet mines. So that was what had been happening.
"I don't want out." He stated with a shake of his head, making a single strand of hair wobble over his forehead. "I don't get to leave."
"Muck and Penkala," he flinched at the mention of their names. "They'd want you to leave."
"You don't know that." It was a murmur, much less intended to be said out loud than the question that followed it. "Do you want me to leave?"
"I just don't want you dead."
"That wasn't the question."
I don't want you to leave me here. Alone.
"For god's sake George—"
"Why do you want me away so badly?" There was a sort of plea in the question, one that was breaking my heart. "Did you get tired of me?"
I love you.
"That's not—"
"If you're done with my bullshit I can just ask to switch platoons."
I love you.
"George I'm telling you—" I groaned, letting go of him. "it's not about that."
"Well whatever it is, I can just switch to second,"
I love you.
"they're short on people anyway."
I love you.
"I don't need you to switch platoons."
"Then what the hell do you need?"
I love you.
"I need you to be careful!" Now it was me who needed to be sushed. "You're gonna get yourself killed. And you're gonna get me killed!"
That hit a nerve.
With regained strength, George shortened the distance I had just put between us in order to try and breathe, a task that seemed to become more difficult each passing second.
"Then stop sticking out for me!"
I love you.
"It's not that simple!"
"Why not?"
"I love you! You idiot." Lucky me, Luz was way too perplexed to tease me about the red tinge bringing life to my cheeks. "I can't just... look away if you're doing something stupid."
Maybe I would have preferred the teasing over his unresponsive behavior. Yeah, I would have rather had a cheeky grin lighting up his face, instead of the lividness washing him out.
"I don't need you moved to another platoon," I attempted to redirect the conversation to a less pathetic outcome, and George didn't seem to oppose. "I just need you to be careful and take care of yourself." Still no response; my heart sunk deeper if that was even possible. "I've lost too many friends already. Can't lose another one."
"How long?"
"What'd you mean?"
"How long have you known?"
"I don't know." I folded my arms and recoiled from the man in front of me, actively avoiding to meet his gaze. "I think... Maybe Normandy. When we regrouped."
Normandy, D-Day plus 3
"Look who decided to show up, Floyd!" Luz and Liebgott went straight to the Sergeant walking a few steps ahead of me and Shifty, ready to compare their trophies and souvenirs.
It wasn't until Talbert folded his newly acquired poncho that the boys became aware of us.
"Well, would you look at that." Lieb smacked George's shoulder with the back of his hand before nodding in my direction.
"Sorry fellas," Floyd feigned an apology. "But I figured I just couldn't show up without our medic. Right, Luz?"
If there was a situation in which George would not match the banter thrown at him, that was the one. Instead, he stood still with widened eyes.
"What? Cat's got your tongue?" I questioned, approaching the group with the sniper trailing after me.
"Oh, she bites now." Lieb snickered. "That's fun."
Still no response from Luz, apart from the shocked expression. I was about to taunt him again when he shoved Tab aside and engulfed me in a hug, one that took me a hot second to reciprocate.
"Where the hell have you been?" He limited himself to ask, breath fanning on the crook of my neck.
"Missed the DZ by four miles." My explanation sounded restrained due to the tight embrace. "Took a while to walk 'em."
"Thought you didn't make it." He murmured, this time only for me to hear. "If you scare me like that again I'll kill ya."
Peeking over his shoulder, I caught the knowing eyes of our comrades. Either Luz was unaware or didn't care enough. I myself had other things to focus on, such as the butterflies in my tummy or the scary feeling swelling up my heart.
"Why didn't you tell me?" His question hid something I couldn't quite decipher, although the gleam in his eyes could be worked out as a clue.
I shrugged, trying to play off the conversation I had been avoiding for months due to fear. "Why would I?"
He shrugged too, and, after opening his mouth a couple of times without getting a word out, I assume he was at a loss for words.
"I feel like we went off the topic here." I stated, once more trying to redirect the conversation, and once more failing to do so.
"Did you mean it?"
Pinching the bridge of my nose, I inhaled deeply. George Luz really had a gift for driving me mad. "Can we move on from that? 'Cause at this point we're dragging the conversation and I'm-"
"You should've told me earlier."
I finally met his eyes with an exasperated look.
"Would that change anything?"
"I could've done something about it."
"Like what?"
He hesitated for a moment, darting a quick glance at my lips I nearly didn't catch before closing the space between us, his hands cupping my cheeks with a featherlight touch.
Just like in Normandy, it took me a moment to react; only that this time I wasn't fast enough and George slipped away from my grasp and took a step back.
"Where d'you think you're going?" I snapped, once again clutching his coat, this time for a very different purpose than minutes ago.
As my mouth found his again, deepening the kiss with my fingers entangled in his unusually long locks and the sides of my coat bunched up in his fists, I wondered if I had really found out I loved him in Normandy.
All from sudden, the feeling that I had known it from the very first corny pick-up line he had thrown at me back in Toccoa washed over me.
Either by the long awaited kiss or by the overwhelming emotions, it was my turn to pull away in order to catch my breath.
"Could've saved me a lot of teasing, y'know?" He mumbled, letting his forehead rest on mine for an instant. "Having everyone and their mother poking fun at me was pretty embarrassing."
"You really are an idiot."
That tore a quiet laugh out of him. A genuine one. It seemed to be so long since that had happened.
"I love you too, by the way."
"Oh, I think I got the memo."
Another laugh. His stupid grin. His cheeky demeanor. All of it made him lit up a little bit. My thumb caressed his face, and it occurred to me that maybe what George Luz really needed was to feel loved.
Lucky him, I wouldn't be going anywhere any time soon.
#george luz x reader#george luz x you#george luz imagine#george luz request#george luz fanfiction#george luz#george luz oneshot#band of brothers fanfic#band of brothers fanfiction#band of brothers#band of brothers fandom#band of brothers request#bob request#bob boys headcanons#george luz aesthetic#george luz angst#eugene roe#hbo miniseries#hbo war fic#hbo war#easy company#reader insert#George x reader
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does the Lord make house calls?
“The radio followed close behind, and he gingerly slid it over his back, wincing when the sharp corner of the cold metal dug into the small of his back.
He didn’t need to bring the radio — hardly ever, almost — but he always did, anyways. Like a comfort that did nothing.”
inspired by the little talks collection by @blood-mocha-latte
#alternate title:#static#what if george luz heard the voice of god through his SCR-300?#what if i draw the most niche fandom art to ever exist#no one asked for this and yet! here it is#george luz enjoyers y’all need more angst in your lives so!#george luz#cirr0stratus art#band of brothers#band of brothers fanart#bandofbrothersedit#band of brothers edit#band of brothers art#band of brothers hbo#band of brothers#bob#bofb#wwii era#wwii art#ww2#wwii#world war ii#world war 2#world war two
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hi everyone! welcome to my band of brothers & the pacific side-blog! my messages and ask box are always open, so shoot me a message anytime you feel like it. also, requests are now CLOSED for the pacific and bob!! you can find the request guidelines below!
request guidelines | gifsets/icons
mads :)

Band of Brothers

italics - wips
Eugene “Doc” Roe
- At Last
- Break the Distance
- C'est Toi (Soulmate!AU)
Joe Liebgott
- Of Course It’s You
- Liebling
Floyd Talbert
- “The Night of the Bayonet”
- I’m Here (oc)
George Luz
- Home
- Old Friends
Dick Winters
- Winter at the Winters'
- Meine Liebe
Ron Speirs
- Keeping You Safe
- For Me
- Knight in Dirty ODs
Lewis Nixon
- Here With You
- The Vow
- Timeless
- Epiphany Series Masterlist
Johnny Martin
- Follow You Anywhere
- Nix When He's Sick
- Dating Eugene Roe
- Post-War Harry Welsh

The Pacific

Robert Leckie
- Crazy
Bill "Hoosier" Smith
- You Before Me
Eugene Sledge
- See the Good
- Hoosier Dating an Extrovert
- Chuckler Dating an Artist
- Chuckler Dating a Medic

Masters of the Air:
You can find things from gifs to fics, and posts about the flyers and ground crews in Masters of the Air on my sideblog, @major-mads!!

comment or message me if you want to be tagged in anything!!
#band of brothers#band of brothers masterlist#easy company#george luz#ww2#wwii#world war ii#andrew haldane x reader#andy haldane x reader#rv burgin imagines#band of brothers imagine#band of brothers fanfic#band of brothers imagines#band of brothers x reader#band of brothers x y/n#easy company x reader#easy company x y/n#101st airborne#dick winters#the pacific#the pacific x reader#hbowar x reader#hbo war imagines#hbo war x reader#lewis nixon x reader#lewis nixon x reader angst#lewis nixon#lewis nixon angst#lewis nixon imagines#dick winters imagines
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for @luztoyeweek day four: futuristic
Frank's watching over Guarnere's shoulder, distracted by the way that Toye seemed to be waiting for Luz to walk over to him.
He has the same rifle that Bill has, although it’s slung over his shoulder, extra magazines strapped across his chest and pistols at his hips.
As George comes up to him, Frank can’t see his face, but he watches as Toye relaxes some, like he’d just managed to breathe after being trapped in an airlock.
He reaches out, carefully pushing one of George’s headphones back from his ear to talk to him, and Frank blinks and looks back to Bill, who’s still complaining about something or the other.
That was weird.
(Frank Perconte learns the extent of his best friend's relationship with Joe Toye. On space, friendship, love, and a walkman.)
@moghraidhs @ewipandora @disastrouscanasta @spinteresting @junodarling @teheitsasecret @screwby @gorgeousundertow @sachart @chris-the-random @mstiemountainhop @scarecrowmax @luzlylovely @brosreal @gillespiejr @ladyofthebears @dreamingoftzu @zehroni @lamialamia @webgottism @jesslovesboats @pfctipper @secretagentofcaos @quillandink22 @ackackh @thehatchette
#rie writes#this one is actually happy. like there's no angst i promise. it's perconte loving his bestie and luztoye is there <3#luztoyeweek2024#luztoye#george luz#joseph toye#joe toye#band of brothers#hbo war
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If I Didn't Care
It had been months since Easy had left Bastogne and its terrible exploding trees, its frozen dirt and shade of death.
Still, George felt the cold deep, deep in his bones. So far down that, no matter how he picked and scratched at it, some already-dead part of himself said it would never leave. Never thaw out.
Things were supposed to be simpler now that the Germans had surrendered. But, George’s friends were still dead and dying. Almost no one had enough points to go home, and Japan was looming ever closer on the horizon, so there was nothing to do but wait and worry and smoke and worry some more.
Read on AO3
@disastrouscanasta since you asked to be tagged on my last one!
#luztoye#george luz#joseph toye#band of brothers#angst#with a happy ending#we did it joe#it's finally done who cheered#me im cheering
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~《Requests》 open/closed~
Scroll past about me to see rules/fandoms
~☆☆☆☆About me!!☆☆☆☆~
pronouns- she/her but don't mind other pronouns :3
Sexualaty- I'm am a proud bisexual 🩷💜💙
hobbies- writing (obviously), drawing, and im even slowly coming up with my own story!!
I enjoy writing my silly character x reader fics and posting my art here on tumbler I'm so happy yall like my blog >:3
Go to rules before requesting at the bottom!!!
School bus graveyard
- Ashlen - Aiden - Ben - Taylor - Tyler - Logan -
- Rayne - Samuel- Kenny- poppy - oak - gressil
Spellward bound
-Any charicter (it's Hella underrated go check it out on webtoon)-
The dragon prince
- ezran (older) - callum - rayla - soren - Claudia -
- vi - caitlyn - jayce - vicktor - jinx - silco - ekko -
The arcana
- julian - muriel - (I haven't finished the other routs yet)
Halluva boss
- Blitzo - millie - moxxie - stolas - striker - any deadly sin -
Hazbin hotel
- charlie - vaggie- angel dust - husk - alastor - lucifer -
How to train your dragon
- hiccup - snotlout -
- adora - catra - glimmer - bow - seahawk - mermista - entrapta - hordak - perfuma - theres more just ask! -
- Stone - Vinny - skipp -
Kipo and the age of wonderbeasts
- kipo - Benson - wolf - more just ask! -
Avatar the last air bender
- aang - sokka - katara - zuko -
The owl house
- luz - amity - gus - hunter - willow - alador - Darius - Rayne - eda -
Skull island
- any character -
Harry potter
- Harry - Harmonie - Ron - draco - Fred w - George w -
Jentry chau vs the underworld
- jentry - kit - Michael - feel free to ask for other characters! -
I don't write
- smut - pretty much it ig -
I do write
- fluff - angst - farthest I'll go is kissing - dirty jokes just for laughs -
Plz be specific if you want headcanons or a oneshot if not it's automatically gonna be headcanons
Only one character allowed if you want a one shot
As many characters as you choose if you want headcanons
Plz be patient if you request a one shot they do take time and I have things to do in my life I don't write 24/7
#school bus graveyard x reader#homesick webtoon x reader#spellward bound#harry potter x reader#atla x reader#The dragon prince x reader#arcane x reader#the arcana x reader#skull island x reader#the owl house x reader#kipo and the age of wonderbeasts#ramshackle x reader#Shera x reader#httyd x reader#hazbin hotel x reader#helluva boss x reader#jentry chau vs the underworld x reader
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Go On, Leave Me Breathless.
Joe Liebgott x Female Reader (18+)
A note:
I've never had any interest in writing (that was always my sister's thing), but my love for Joe Liebgott combined with my love for music has been causing my mind to get stirred up when I hear songs that I think would be perfect for a Liebgott romance. I've started a few stories, but this is the first one I've actually finished. And I've gone back and forth a lot about sharing it, since I am very inexperienced, and not at all confident. But if you're anything like me, you have a yearning for more Joe. So I figured that it's going to do more good out here in the universe, than sitting in my Samsung Notes. So I hope you enjoy it, and if you don't, please be gentle 🫣 I'll also put the song that inspired it at the end, if anyone is interested.
Warnings: smut, angst?, sexual vocabulary, unprotected sex... 🤷♀️ I'm still new to this
When you joined the paratroops as a medic, the last thing you were expecting was to find love. But somehow, somewhere, in the middle of the war, you managed to fall for Joe Liebgott. Although you were unsure how much it was really "finding love" when it was one-sided; Joe had never shown any romantic interest in you at all. A couple of times, after a few drinks, he became playful with you but he never made a move. Almost all of the other Easy Company boys had either hit on you, asked you to join them for a drink one-on-one, or asked you to dance at one time or another. But not Liebgott. And even still, you always wanted him to know that you were available, just in case. So aside from accepting a few dance requests here and there, you politely turned everyone down.
However, that changed after a particularly rough day on the line. Everyone decided it was a good night to have a get together, to unwind. You were approached by a man from Dog Company, who asked to escort you to the party. Tired of waiting for Liebgott to ask you, and totally beaten from the day, you gladly accepted; you just needed to have some fun.
You decided to wear your best dress; a silk navy blue with a low cut V-neckline. You couldn't even wear a bra with it, but you didn't care; it was time to let loose for once.
You arrived at the party arm-in-arm with your date, which caught the attention of almost every man in the room. Meanwhile, your eyes scanned the room for Liebgott; he was leaning on the bar with a beer in his hand. Much to your surprise, he actually turned to look at you briefly, but then carried on with sipping his beer.
"Want a drink?" Your date asked.
You turned to him and smiled, "sure."
As you approached the bar, Liebgott was still leaning on the counter. He didn't pay you any mind.
"Hi, Joe," you said.
"Hey," he quietly replied, looking into his beer.
"This is," you began to say to introduce your date when Joe cut you off.
"Whatever." He turned to walk away.
"Why are you being so rude?" You asked.
"Why are you here with him, huh?" Joe asked with an annoyed tone, getting closer to you.
"He asked if he could escort me. Not that it's any of your business," you said, crossing your arms.
Joe scoffed. "And you said yes?"
Your arms still crossed, you gave him a dirty look.
"Well, buddy," Joe said as he slapped your date's shoulder. "Have fun with the company tease," he continued as he spit on the floor beside your date.
As he walked away, you didn't know whether to scream or cry. You were so hurt that without even excusing yourself from your date, you stormed outside after Joe. Luckily, George Luz, the only one that knew your true feelings for Liebgott, was standing close by and stopped your date from going after you.
When you saw Joe enter one of the abandoned houses, you quickly followed and ran in front of him to stop him in his tracks. You shoved his shoulders. "How dare you?!" You yelled.
"What?" He asked, smirking.
"Are you serious right now? How dare you insult me like that?"
"Oh, did I hurt your feelings? Then why don't you run on back to your date? I'm sure he'll be happy to comfort you."
"Ugh! Joseph Liebgott! You are a pain in the ass! I...I wish I never fell in love with you!" You threw your hands up and turned to walk away, but Joe grabbed your hand. You quickly pulled your hand away, and gave him a dirty look. He walked closer to you.
"What did you say?" He asked, looking straight into your eyes. Your eyebrows were scrunched in a scowl, but in your head you were kicking yourself for opening your big mouth.
"Not a thing," you replied.
He began inching towards you, but with every step of his, you took a step backwards. You continued to back away from him until you reached the wall.
Joe leaned one hand on each side of your head on the wall behind you. "What did you say, doll?"
His face was so close to yours, it took everything in you to not look down at his lips. So you didn't reply; you just stared into his eyes with a scowl still on your face, trying to hide any emotion other than anger.
"You're in love with me?" He asked.
Hearing the words come out of his mouth, in his low gravely voice that you loved so much, made your stomach flutter. You couldn't hide behind your scowl anymore as your face softened, and you gently shook your head unconvincingly "no."
He moved his hands to cup your face, and said "so, you wouldn't want me to do this?" He then planted a soft kiss on your lips, and you nearly melted into the floor.
"Or this?" He asked again, followed by a gentle kiss on your neck.
You felt goosebumps cover your body, and your nipples started poking through the silk of your dress.
Joe met your face once more, noticing that your breaths had turned shallow.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked.
His touch made you feel too weak to speak, so instead you slowly shook your head "no" once again, except this time you meant it.
"Then tell me you're in love with me," he said.
You couldn't bring yourself to say it.
"Okay, then I'll stop." He took a step backwards.
"No," you said quickly, as you grabbed his hand. "Joe, I..." Your heart was racing.
"Yes, doll?" He leaned one hand on the wall behind you again.
"I..." You still hesitated.
"Say it, and I'm yours."
Your heart was pounding out of your chest. "Joe...I think I'm in love with you..."
Joe's only response was a smirk, and pressing you back up against the wall once again. You began kissing passionately, exploring each other's mouths with your tongues. Joe ran his right hand down your silky dress and up your inner left thigh, causing goosebumps to cover your body again.
He reached the crotch of your panties, which had been soaked through by your already dripping wet pussy. "Someone's excited." He smirked again.
"Touch me, Joe." You whispered in his ear.
He wasted no time accepting the invitation, as he slipped his hand into your panties and began rubbing your wet clit. You moaned in his ear, causing him to move his hand further south. You gasped as he slipped his fingers into you with ease. He began slowly moving his fingers in and out of you, watching your face for cues to find just the right spot. Once he found it, he steadily increased his pace, listening to your breathing getting faster and faster.
Feeling you approach orgasm, he whispered in your ear. "That's it, baby. Cum for me."
His words pushed you over the edge. You let out a scream of pleasure as you released yourself all over his hand. Your entire body was quivering, and you were trying to catch your breath when he slowly slipped his fingers out of you. You jumped slightly when his hand grazed your sensitive clit.
He brought his hand up to his mouth and licked you off of his fingers. "Mmm. Damn, you taste good."
He then watched you as you slipped your own hand down to your pussy. You traced his lips with your cum covered finger, and then put your fingers to your own mouth to suck the rest off. You then kissed, and licked yourself off of his lips, and finished with a bite on his bottom lip, causing him to groan into your mouth and pick you up. You giggled as you wrapped your legs around his waist, and your arms around his neck, as he carried you to the nearest bedroom.
Once he put you down on the bed, you pulled your dress over your head and tossed it onto the floor, exposing your breasts and erect nipples. Next, you slipped your panties off, while he was standing at the end of the bed simultaneously kicking his boots off and unbuttoning his pants. Before pulling his pants down, he pulled his white tshirt over his head, exposing his dog tags leading down his bare chest. You hadn't taken your eyes off of each other. As he slowly pulled his pants down, and exposed his erect cock, you bit your bottom lip.
"Like what you see?" He asked, smirking.
You smiled and nodded "yes."
He slowly climbed onto the bed, hovering over you. "I think my view is better," he said onto your lips.
When he kissed you, you could barely kiss back through the smile you had on your face.
He ran his hands down your shoulders and to your chest, grabbing a breast in each hand. He took turns giving each nipple attention; sucking, licking, and biting.
You ran your fingers through his hair, and moaned. "I need you, Joe."
Pretending he didn't hear you so that he could make you say it again, he moved back up to your neck. "I'm sorry, what was that?" He started biting and sucking your neck, as you felt his hard cock rubbing against your thigh, making you squirm in excitement beneath him.
You grabbed the back of his head. "Joe." You said desperately.
He looked up at you and gave you a sly smile, "Yeah, doll?"
You pulled him towards you. "Please, Joe." You begged. You needed him more than you had ever needed anybody in your life; you had waited almost a year for this moment, but you didn't think you could wait a second longer.
Joe kissed your lips once before sitting back to stroke his hard cock with one hand, and spread your legs apart with the other. He climbed on top of you, leaning his weight on his left hand while he held his stiff cock in his right. He began teasing you some more by rubbing the tip of his of cock on your clit. You squirmed, which made him chuckle, but also made him finally give in. He guided his cock to your soaking wet entrance, and began slowly entering you. You gasped and moaned as you felt every inch of his bare hard cock rub against your walls.
"Fuck." He said as he bottomed out, closing his eyes and rolling his head back to try to keep composure. "You feel so good, babe."
His dog tags were dangling over you, just slightly grazing the space on your chest between your breasts. You tugged on them lightly to bring him in for a kiss. He began slowly moving his cock in and out of you, and you could no longer focus on kissing him. You let out a quiet "mmm" as you closed your eyes, and bit your lip.
Joe leaned back to get better leverage, and increased his speed a bit. You could hear his dog tags clinking against his chest with every thrust, until he swung them around to his back. As he steadily increased the speed of his thrusts, your moaning grew louder. Keeping his weight leaning on his right hand next to you, he held up your thigh with his left. Thrusting even faster now, your moans turned into words.
"Oh god, Joe..."
"You like that?"
You bit your lip again and nodded "yes."
Discovering that he was hitting the right spot, his thrusts grew faster still until all you could do was scream his name. Feeling your orgasm approaching, and sensing he was also on the edge, you gave him the ok to let go, and breathlessly said, "cum inside me, Joe."
Your words turned him on, and with a few more quick thrusts you both orgasmed together; your walls contracting around his cock as he coated your insides.
He dropped down onto your chest, still inside of you, as you both gasped for air.
"Holy shit," Joe said in between short breaths. "That was fucking incredible. You're incredible." He kissed your lips.
You ran your fingers through his now sweaty hair and smiled. "I waited so long to have you," you said.
"And was I as good as you hoped I would be?" He winked.
You chuckled. "Even better than I hoped."
He nodded and said, "Nice."
You smiled as you rolled your eyes and playfully hit him on the arm for being so smug. He moved to lie down beside you, his arm wrapped around you.
"You know, I never meant to be a tease to the other guys. It's just...you're the only one I ever wanted. I was waiting for you to want me back," you told him.
"I only called you a tease because I was jealous. I've always wanted you, y/n."
"Then why didn't you do anything about it?"
"Doll, almost every guy here is after you all the time. I never thought you'd choose me. But I'm damn glad you did," he said, lightly tapping your nose with his finger.
You smiled, but it quickly vanished when reality hit. "Well now I wish I blurted my feelings out sooner. We've wasted so much time..."
"Y/n, even if we only had right now, I'd still be happy. It's better than never having you at all," Joe replied.
A faint smile returned to your face.
"Besides," Joe continued, "now we can make up for lost time." He smirked as he climbed on top of you again. He began tickling you, and kissing you all over, causing you to giggle uncontrollably until his lips met yours again. You then made love for the second time that night, before falling asleep in each other's arms for the first time, but definitely not the last.
Inspired by:
"Go on, go on, leave me breathless. Come on (come on)
The daylight's fading slowly, but time with you is standing still. I'm waiting for you only. The slightest touch and I feel weak.
I cannot lie, from you I cannot hide. And I'm losing the will to try. Can't hide it (can't hide it). Can't fight it (can't fight it).
So go on, go on. Come on, leave me breathless. Tempt me, tease me. Until I can't deny this loving feeling. Make me long for your kiss.
Go on (go on), go on (go on). Yeah, come on, yeah
And if there's no tomorrow, and all we have is here and now. I'm happy just to have you. You're all the love I need somehow. It's like a dream, although I'm not asleep. And I never want to wake up. Don't lose it (don't lose it). Don't leave it (don't leave it).
So go on, go on. Come on, leave me breathless. Tempt me, tease me. Until I can't deny this loving feeling. Make me long for your kiss.
Go on, go on. Yeah, come on (come on).
And I can't lie, from you I cannot hide. And I've lost my will to try. Can't hide it (can't hide it). Can't fight it (can't fight it).
So go on (go on), go on (go on). Come on, leave me breathless. Tempt me, tease me. Until I can't deny this loving feeling. Make me long for your kiss.
Go on (go on), go on (go on). Come on, leave me breathless (leave me breathless)..."
My other Joe Liebgott x Female Reader fics:
☆ "In Dreams"
☆ "A hundred reasons, and counting still."
☆ "I never could forget you."
#joe liebgott x female reader#joe liebgott x reader#joe liebgott smut#joe liebgott x fem reader#joe liebgott#joseph liebgott#joseph liebgott x female reader#joseph liebgott x reader#joseph liebgott smut#joseph liebgott x fem reader#band of brothers#joe liebgott fanfic#joseph liebgott fanfic#joe liebgott rabbit hole#joe liebgott addiction#lieb#joe liebgott fanfiction#joseph liebgott fanfiction#joe liebgott one shot#joseph liebgott one shot#joe liebgott imagine#joe liebgott imagines#joseph liebgott imagine#joseph liebgott imagines#joe liebgott headcanons#joseph liebgott headcanons#joe liebgott x y/n#joseph liebgott x y/n#joe liebgott x you#joseph liebgott x you
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Joe Liebgott
“You Nervous?”
Summary: You thought your relationship with Liebgott was complicated…until it wasn’t and it led to an unexpected evening of overwhelming emotions and sexual tension.
A/N: One shot, Mature audience, JoeLoebgottx!FemMedic, WW2, Female Pronouns, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Military and Medical Terminology, Inappropriate Nicknames, HBO Band of Brothers References, Mentions/Descriptions of Injuries, Weaponry, Smoking. Angst/Conflict, Smut, FOREVER FLUFF
This piece was at the request of @awaterfalls ❤️ hope you like it Nat!
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real soldiers the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction*
You weren’t the type to take being treated like a doormat. You were raised to find your place amongst others regardless of gender. You earned your respect because you did your job and you did it well, not because you were pretty and the guys wanted to bed you.
It was heavily frowned upon that women be on the front lines alongside men, but when nurses and medics started to get caught in the crossfire, they resorted to allowing females to do just about everything men did to fill the gaps. You had been assigned to Easy Company right after Toccoa, and most of them were less than receptive to say the least.
Eugene Roe was grateful to have an extra set of hands. Don Malarkey, Skip Muck, and George Luz were very taken with your sense of humor so they warmed up to you rather quickly. Joe Toye, Bill Guarnere, and Babe took some time, but when you tackled Bill to avoid getting blown up by enemy artillery, their demeanor towards you made a complete 360.

Easy accepted you as one of their own…except for one: Joseph Liebgott. He was the most ornery son of a bitch you ever met. He always found a reason to trash talk you, or find fault in anything you did. All because you were a ‘broad,’ as he referred to you. The guys tried to defend you but his opinion never changed about you.
You learned to just avoid him unless he needed medical attention. He did alright not getting hurt up until you guys posted in Schoonderlogt, Holland in October 1944. He had been on patrol late one night and returned with an angry gash on the right side of his neck. One of the other patrolmen they brought back, Alley, had been hit by German gunfire and needed immediate attention.
They set Alley onto a table for when Doc got there
"Boyle, get Doc." Winters instructed then looked at Liebgott, "Where?"
"Crossroads." Liebgott replied. You notice he took a dressing and pressed it against his neck.
"Well, if it wasn't for your loud mouth-" he started to accuse Joe.
"-Hey, you know what? Back off!" Liebgott shot back as Roe pushed through the gaggle.
"Get the boots off, elevate...Lieb use the sulfur... Doc directed but noticed Joe’s neck.
“Lieb, go see Y/L/N and get that checked out.” Doc added.
“Yeah, no thanks, Doc, I’m good.” Liebgott said all too quickly with disdain.
“Joe, I wasn’t askin’ ya. It needs to be cleaned and dressed properly, it can get infected then you’ll have a bigger problem to deal with that will take you off the line. Go. I ain’t got enough hands to help ya.” Doc said sternly.
Liebgott released an irritable huff before pushing through the group to find where you were.
You had already grabbed gauze, dressings and sanitizing fluid when you heard Doc scold Joe about getting his neck looked at. He sat on a bale of straw waiting for you to tend to him. You spread out the supplies and examine his neck wound. You reach out to gently move his head to the left to get more light on it and he dodged your touch.
“What the fuck are you doin’?” He asked harshly.
“I was moving your head where I had more light on the wound. Why are you so squirrely?” You ask.
“Oh, I don’t know, because I just got shot at by a bunch of fuckin’ Krauts!” He replied sarcastically as he glared at you.
“Ok well then let’s get this fixed, shall we?” You returned with as much calmness in your voice as you could muster.
You press the cloth with the antiseptic onto his laceration and he pulled back upon feeling the sting.
“Ack! THAT HURT!” He barked.
“If you’d hold still, it wouldn’t hurt as much!!”You bit back.
You were over his childish behavior towards you.
“Just get it over with.” He grumbled, finally maintaining his composure.
You made your hands busy on his neck, wrapping the dressing like a scarf around his neck after you cleaned it. Thank goodness you didn’t need to stitch it, that would’ve been hell for both of you with his attitude.
“There. You’re good.”
“Fantastic.” He replied without a thank you.
He stood up and trudged off to join the rest of Easy for the return to Crossroads to reclaim the position. The patrol had been gone all night into the following morning, but they had eventually took victory. That evening, Winters allowed the men an evening of enjoyment at a local pub in the town to boost morale.
The men had worn their dress uniforms, each looking handsome and ready to mingle with the local women and vice versa. You hadn’t dressed up since graduating Toccoa and even then, you hadn’t been with Easy Company then, so this would be the first time they ever saw you in dress uniform,
“Hey! Get a load of this!” Toye called out to the guys when you breezed through the front door.
Liebgott standing at the bar looked over his shoulder upon feeling the cold air on the back of his neck. His jaw dropped when his eyes landed on you. He scanned your figure from head to toe.
Hair clean and perfumed pulled back into a neat fashionable bun and a face with fresh make-up and painted lips. And those gams (legs) emerging from the pencil skirt and heels and of course a clean white medic brassard displaying the Red Cross around the left bicep. You almost had the entire room at a complete standstill when you walked in.
“…Woah.” Joe whispered to himself, unaware that Talbert was near by.
“Not bad, eh, Lieb?” Tab teased.
He grimaced at Floyd and turned back to the bar to drink his beer.
The night was filled with laughter, darts, dancing, and liquor. Most of Easy had at least one dance around the room with you to favorites like Bing Crosby, Ella Fitzgerald, and The Andrew Sisters. You had just finished a dance with Toye sometime around midnight when a soldier from Dog Company had approached you.
“May I have this dance?” He asked politely with a slight bow.
Joe, standing with Buck, Luz, Babe, and Toye, watched with intensity from the dart boards.
“Maybe the next song.” You reply kindly, having just sat down for the first time in an hour.
“Come on, doll, ain’t no time like the present, right?” He insisted yanking you be the arm to the dance floor.
Liebgott’s clenched jaw and furrowed eye brows caught the attention of Toye.
“Hey, uh, you ok there, Lieb?”
Joe looked at Toye inquisitively.
“Yeah, why?”
“Well, you look a little…pissed.” Toye said plainly.
“Well, I ain’t.” Joe retorted.
He looked back at the dance floor to see where you were but was suddenly concerned he couldn’t find you right away. He saw the unknown soldier had taken you to the bar to get you a drink.
He handed you a pint and insisted you drink the whole thing.
“You said you could drink me under the table, so prove it!” He said.
“Fine, just this once.” You accepted.
You started to chug the pint, but when you started to lower the glass before it was empty, the soldier tilted the bottom up so you’d keep drinking. You finished and propped the glass open side down on the surface of the bar.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go back to my-“ you started before the soldier grabbed your upper arm.
“Oh we ain’t done here, honey.” He declared.
You tried to pull yourself out of his grasp but he pulled you in by the waist to hold you close.
“Get your meat hooks off of me.” You warned through clenched teeth.
“Or what?” He mocked.
“Or you’ll have half of Easy raining down on you.”
You hear a gravelly voice behind the brute soldier. He turned and there stood Joe Liebgott squaring up to him. Behind him Toye, Malarkey, Guarnere, and Luz.
“Come on, guys, there’s enough ladies here to go around, why can’t I have a little fun with this one?”
“Because she don’t wanna have fun with you.” Joe shot back, “Let her go.”
The soldier released your arm, as Liebgott gently tugged you behind him by your wrist.
“Enjoy the rest of your evening.” Liebgott said to him as they all walked with you to the dart boards.
Suddenly you feel Joe’s hand on the small of your back, guiding you to a more secluded spot in the back of the pub.
“What the fuck is the matter with you??” He sneered at you, positioning you against the wall to talk to you.
“Excuse me?”
“You fuckin’ heard me. Why would you put yourself in a position like that? That guy could’ve walked out with you easily with as much as you drank tonight.” He lectured.
“How do you know how much I’ve been drinking? And what business is it of yours who I’m interacting with anyway?” You returned crossing your arms.
Joe took in a deep breath through his nose as his anger started to elevate in his chest.
“If I wasn’t watching out for you, you would’ve gotten yourself into some real shit.”
He leaned in placing a hand against the wall you leaned on. His face hovering centimeters from your own. You feel his breath on your face, and notice his pupils blown out from what you thought was hate and detestation for you.

His eyes undressed you from your red lips down to your fitted blouse then looked into your eyes. Your breathe started to hasten, causing your chest to heave.
“You nervous?” Joe questioned.
Your breath caught in your throat.
“-no.” You breathed.
He moved closer to you, pinning you against the wall as your chests touched. Your arms relaxed to your sides as your nails dug into the brick behind you. You were, indeed, very nervous. And he knew it.
The scowl Joe had slowly curled into a mischievous grin.
“I think you are.” He whispered confidently as his hand cupped your cheek.
Your eyelashes fluttered, “Wh-what are you doing?” You managed to ask.
His thumb stroked your cheek, “Admiring the view.”
You released an exhale after holding your breath for almost 5 minutes.
“I thought you hated me?”
He brushed his nose against yours, “No. As a matter of fact, I always liked ya.”
“Then why-“
Before you could finish your sentence, he closed the gap between you, locking onto your lips like it was his dying wish.
You snake your arms carefully around his neck as he pulled you into him by your waist. You slack your jaw open to allow his tongue to run along your lips. You nip his bottom lip playfully causing his hips to thrust into you.
You yanked at his jacket, pulling him into you again to feel his hard on against you. He groaned into your mouth.
“What are you doin’ doll?” He asked with a devilish grin.
“I really don’t know but-“ you pull him in again, bringing his earlobe gently between your teeth then whisper, “we can’t stop now.”
“Let’s get outta here.” Joe suggested ushering you out the back door.
You snuck off to one of the abandoned homes down the street from where you were and barely got through the door before you were undoing his belt. You kicked of your shoes into darkness then made your way up a flight of stairs leaving pieces of your uniforms trailing the steps as you ascended.
When you were down to your slip and him down to his briefs, you scamper off to an open bedroom hoping he’d chase you…which he did. You kneeled on the bed waiting for him to come to you. He approached standing at the bedside.
You seductively crawled over to the edge of the bed and suckled a trail of kisses from his collar bone all the way down the waistband of his underwear. Joe inhaled deeply through is nostrils as he closed his eyes in ecstasy. You nip and licked at the sensitive area above his pubic line.
“Quit teasin’.” Joe purred.
“Or what?” You ask looking up at him through your lashes.
A joker like smile appeared across his face as he swiftly pushed you onto you back then crawled over you, caging you between his arms.
“You’re asked for it, sweeheart.” He proclaimed before locking onto your mouth again.
His hardened cock grinding into you, you wrap your legs around his waist to feel as much of his friction as possible. He pulls back and began pulling your slip over your head then sat back on his heels to remove his underwear.
He gaped at you laying in front of him. He ran his hand from your stomach up to one breast, groping it then repeating on the other. He hovered over you, enveloping one of your peaked nipples in his mouth. His tongue swirling over the tip while sucking had you writing beneath him. Sensing your pleasure he switched to the other, taking the tip between his teeth.
“Please, Lieb.” You beg.
“Joe.” He corrected.
You look at him.
“I want to hear you scream my name a hundred times before the end of the night.” He growled.
You beam at him, “Please, Joe.”
He palmed himself, pumping a few times before he lined himself up with your drenched opening. He glazed his tip with your wetness, groaning at the amount of saturation.
“I really did a number on you, didn’t I?” He goaded.
All you could do was smile coyly.
He pushed into you deliciously slow. You whimper, both of you feeling every bit of your tightness around him. He embraced you instinctively until he bottomed out. He pulled back gradually, then snapped his hips forward against you with a grunt.
“Jesus Christ, Y/F/N.”
“Please, Joe.” You implore quietly in his ear.
This triggers him as he begins spearing into you roughly. He sits up, propping your legs up where he can hold you around the thighs as he drives into, hitting that perfect spot so deep inside. You push against the headboard to steady yourself onto his dick, feeling that tightening feeling in your stomach as he chased your orgasm.
He watched your face expressions purposefully, feeding off how they changed as he switched up his pace.
“Joe…” you’d moan, spurring him on to go harder.
“Yeah, sweetheart, say it again.”
“My God, Joe…”
He brought his fingers to your clit, using your slick to vigorously rub the vulnerable bud as he continued to plunge in and out of you. He loved watching you get overstimulated as you try to paw at him to pull him back into kiss.
“Right there, Joe…keep goin’.” You lament.
“Yeah? Let it go, baby.” He leered as he railed into you at a heart stopping rate.
“Oh…my GOD, JOE!” You wailed as you dig your nails into his shoulders.
He kept his pace, making sure you ride out your high until the guttural noises that emitted from him as his hips started to stutter and his load coated your insides.
He remained on top of you and inside of you, holding you like a life line with sweat dripping from everywhere. Both of you breathing in sync, each of you trying to steady your heart rates.
After a moment, you decided to break the silence.
“That was…wow.”
Joe chuckled then rolled off of you as he positioned your head on his chest.
“Couldn’t have said it better myself, sweetheart.”
#band of brothers#hbo war#101st airborne#easy company#joe liebgott#ww2#ross mccall#joseph liebgott#joe liebgott brain rot#joe liebgott sends me#joe liebgott rabbit hole#joe liebgott x female reader#joe liebgott x reader#Joe liebgott smut
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thank you thank you thank yooou!! And I don’t mind waiting for good stuff 🤷♀️
Okay so my idea kinda was in episode 7 when George and Lipton is in the same foxhole. So they get “hit” by the dud but the reader is so scared something actually happened to George, so she is running towards their foxhole and George is screaming for her to stay put cuz he’s okay and then she gets hit….or almost…I mean something tragic. I wanna bawl my eyes out.
And of course…feel free to not do it, if you think it sucks🧡 Love your stuff and have a good day !
louder than bombs (george luz x reader)

word count: 1800+
warnings: blood, gore, death, angst (w happy ending), bff! roe, mutual pining, i hint at both renée x roe AND baberoe
notes: used some hcs from this (shameless self-plug), and happy new year to all! i hope that 2024 is your year :)
“So, you and Luz, huh?”
Despite Lieutenant Dike’s request not to (like you'd listen to a coward like him anyway, even if he did have a good point), you and Eugene were sharing a foxhole — one a few meters behind where Skip, Penk, Don, and Luz were standing around in a circle, joking and laughing.
Taking your eyes off the man in question — you'd been staring at him from afar for too long, anyway — you turned to Eugene with a befuddled expression. “What do you mean, ‘You and Luz?’”
He took one look at your face and chuckled around the cigarette in his mouth. “It can mean whatever you want it to mean.”
“You say that as if we’re together or something, Gene,” you scoffed and held yourself tighter for warmth.
“Practically. Seen yourself lately? You blush and smile whenever he talks to you.”
Spluttering in response, you could feel your ears going red. “Well, Bayou, what if I’m blushing because it's zero degrees out here? And what if he’s just a funny guy in general?”
Eugene glanced over to the group of men, and, as if on cue, they were cracking up at George’s impression of the chickenshit lieutenant. “He’s a good match for you, (Y/N).”
“Oh, I'm so glad you approve,” you said, rolling your eyes at your friend. “Gonna read our wedding rites now?”
He put out his cigarette. “He makes you laugh. We could all use some of that.”
You inspected the faraway look in Eugene’s eyes, and you knew he was right. The fatal accident with the goddamned Luger that killed Hoobler recently, the barrage earlier today that sent both Joe Toye and Bill home with missing right legs, the overall misery of this frozen hell. You’d all seen your fair share of blood and open flesh; the company needed the beam of light that was George Luz.
Watching Luz as he was pulled aside by Lipton, you exhaled, nodded, and huddled a little closer to Eugene. “Yeah. Yeah, you're right.” After a few quiet, thoughtful moments, a small smile creeped back up on your face when you thought of something to bring up the mood again.
“You never heard me teasing you about Renée,” you muttered beneath your breath, loud enough for him to hear and correct you on because you had teased him about the Belgian nurse. Before he could, you pushed on, your grin growing, “Hey, what about you and Babe, huh?”
Now it was his turn to turn to you shocked. Your snickering was interrupted by the roaring, deafening sound of a bombardment shredding trees around you.
“Shit!” you cursed, the night sky lighting up with fireworks of yellow and white. Snow and dirt erupted from the ground like spurts of lava from a volcano. Through the ringing in your ears, you heard bellows of “Incoming!” and other indistinct cries.
Turning to the man next to you, you shouted above the din, “Eugene, you alright?”
“Fine,” he shouted back as he clutched his helmet tight to his head. “You?”
“Fine,” you echoed with a nod, though maybe your head had moved on its own with the shaking ground beneath you. You strained your ears to single out cries for a medic; you didn't catch any, and you weren't sure if that was because no one had gotten hurt yet or because they were dead within an instant.
You peeped over the edge of your foxhole. In the flashes of light, you could make out amongst the silhouette of wrecked trees George hurriedly crawling on the ground towards a foxhole with two soldiers in it, yelling for him to come on. If your hearing wasn't failing you, you recognized their voices as Skip and Penk.
“What d’ya see?” Eugene poked his head out of the foxhole.
Your voice was strangled in your throat as you helplessly watched George inch his way toward cover. “I—” you started, before a shell directly hit the two men in the middle of their calls. Frantically, you backed into your foxhole. “Skip and Penk, they’re…”
“What?” Eugene shouted, and you realized you had only murmured it.
“Muck and Penkala got hit!” you cried. The look you gave Eugene told him that there would be no saving them.
You got back up to peek over your foxhole and saw that Luz had vanished. Your heart sank in your chest, right down to the pits of your stomach.
Before your mind could register what was going on, your feet lifted you up and out of the foxhole. You could faintly hear Eugene yelling at you to come back, (Y/N), what the hell are you doing? You hit the ground at the same time a shell did just meters away from you, showering you in debris. Yet, you felt distant from the thought of danger or bodily harm, your raw instinct on overdrive; the only thing that was running through your mind as you dashed through the devastated forest was if George was okay.
Eyes flitting around, you caught a glimpse of him getting into a foxhole with Lip. As waves of relief washed over you, you jumped into a foxhole a distance behind them. A shell impacted nearby and swept the fallen trees acting as their cover towards you. You pulled your knees close to your chest and covered your head, staying like that as the barrage kept up.
Then, for just a second, it was silent. Closing your eyes, you caught your breath. A whistling sound ceased the brief respite, and you peered over just in time to see smoke coming from George and Lipton’s foxhole. Your mind disconnected itself from your body once again; it felt like you were moving in slow motion as your feet took you to them. That smoke clouded your senses, your thoughts — all you could see and hear were the vivid memories of Hoobler’s wound gushing blood and his dull eyes closing shut for the last time; you treating Bill’s still twitching leg while Toye’s shredded one was being bandaged by Eugene only feet away; and Muck and Penkala’s foxhole going up in a spray of dirt and a show of light, abruptly cutting off their shouting.
What were you going to see when you arrived at their foxhole? Bloodstained snow? Mangled limbs? Ruined corpses? Even the thought made you want to sob.
Your heart thundered in your ear, louder than any bombs or artillery the Germans could send at you, but you could vaguely discern George’s voice in your trance.
“Damn it, am I yelling medic? Stay right fucking there, (Y/N)!”
Right as you were shaken out of your own head, your eyes focusing on the two unharmed men as they yelled for you to stay put, a shell hit a tree hardly an arm’s length away from you. The burst launched you backwards, lodging shrapnel into your face and all over your body.
You let your eyes flutter closed as the screaming started.
“(Y/N)!” George bawled, witnessing the last shell of the bombardment blast the tree right next to you.
“George, get down!” Lip pushed George down into the foxhole from where he'd been peeking over to helplessly watch your unsteady advance.
George couldn't get the image of you shielding yourself at the last second out of his head. He broke free from Lipton and crawled out of his foxhole to your unmoving figure, relieved to find that you were still breathing out clouds of vapor, albeit unevenly. Your right cheek was cut and bleeding, as well as your arms, legs, torso — hell, was there anywhere you weren’t bleeding from?
He cradled your head to his, whispering that it's gonna be alright and you’re gonna be just dandy, (Y/N), even though he didn't believe those words himself. He lifted his head from yours and yelled for a medic with a hoarse voice, already scratched up from having to shout over the booming to tell Lipton that Muck and Penkala got hit.
George then realized that he had gotten extremely lucky that day; Muck and Penkala had been shelled just before he reached their foxhole, and the shell that had landed next to him and Lipton was a dud. Staring down at your bloodied form, he darkly concluded that maybe he wasn't lucky — maybe he just brought bad luck to everyone else.
Eugene seemed to materialize out of thin air at the panicked calls for a doctor and kneeled over you, ordering, “Set ‘em down, set ‘em down!” George laid you down on the icy ground, and he saw that your eyes were open now, darting around at your surroundings. You looked frightened and pained, yet when your eyes finally settled on him, you seemed somewhat at ease.
“Jesus, what did I tell you, (Y/N)?” Eugene reprimanded, but the concern in his voice was evident. He began picking out the shrapnel from your flesh, and you wailed out in agony. Ripping open a sulfa packet with his teeth, he then shook the powder onto your countless wounds.
In the back of his mind, George knew that your pained whimpers would haunt him forever if you didn't pull through, acting as the price of his "good luck".
“Told me to come back, Genie,” you smiled mirthlessly, which quickly became a wince with the gash in your cheek. The white medic band around your arm was stained the same color as the red cross on it.
Lipton was out of the foxhole at this point and assisting Eugene with bandaging your injuries. “You’ll be fine, alright? Just hang in there.”
George registered that he had only been staring, his mouth opening and closing like a fish. He intertwined his fingers with yours and squeezed your clammy hand, to which you weakly squeezed back.
Grimacing while he injected you with morphine, Eugene said to Lipton, “They’re bleeding bad, Sarge; we gotta get ‘em back to an aid station.”
George’s voice sounded far off from himself. “I’ll radio for a jeep.” As he did so, his hand still clutching yours, he couldn't tear his eyes away from the excruciation on your face. For some reason, he felt guilty.
Though it felt like years to him, the jeep arrived shortly, and the three of them carried you to the stretcher on the hood of the vehicle and gingerly placed you upon it.
Gazing down upon you on that stretcher, your face streaked with crimson, your hair matted with dried blood, George wanted to say, “I still find you beautiful, Bloody Mary," but for what felt like first time in his life, the words weren't there and the wiseass comment just refused to come out right.
What came tumbling out of his lips instead was, “I love you.”
Pausing, Lipton and Eugene exchanged a knowing look and watched with bated breath. Meanwhile, George wanted to smack himself for letting the adrenaline coursing through his veins get to him; this was definitely not what you wanted to hear — rejecting him should be the least of your worries right now.
To his utter disbelief, you smiled, in spite of yourself and the grim circumstances. “I love you too, George.”
Once his brain wrapped around the fact that you needed him as much as he needed you, he implored, "Come back to me, alright?” He gently caressed your cheek, his voice sounding different to himself with the undertone of desperation. “I—I’ll be right here waiting for you.”
You placed a feeble hand over his and turned to press a kiss to it. “I'm counting on it.”
The driver finally grew tired of the delay and urged them to get moving. George stepped away as Eugene hopped in the jeep’s shotgun seat to escort you back to the aid station.
Lighting a cigarette with trembling hands, George watched the jeep dissipate into the blanket of night.
Eugene let things sink in for a while; you were grateful for the time to rest as the morphine kicked in. When you arrived, though, you were awake enough to hear him ask again, a rare smirk hidden in his voice:
“So, you and Luz, huh?”
taglist: @mads-weasley, @ronsparky, @dcyllom, @malarkgirlypop, @joetoyesbrassknuckles101, @samwinchesterslostshoe, @fxxiva
#band of brothers#band of brothers x reader#george luz#george luz x reader#hbo war#easy company#101st airborne#band of brothers fanfic#band of brothers imagine#hbo war fanfic#band of brothers imagines#rick gomez
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so you’re taking requests. . . 😳 how do we feel about a fic with Luz just being a biiig softie? he’s such a wiseass all the time, I’d love to see your take on him maybe being more vulnerable and relaxed and emotional in an x reader if you’re up for it (I love the way you were able to characterize Liebgott in your most recent fic) <3 fluff, angst, smut or any other angle you’d wanna go with, totally up to you!
In her arms - George Luz x F!Reader
Okay, so I had already had an idea like this in my drafts and squealed when I read your request! I really, really hope I did him justice and this is what you want/like! If you want a redo please let me know! <3 Please enjoy @littleyankspitfire :)
Summary: George accompanies Malarkey into town after the bombing in Bastogne, needing to see Reader before he entirely falls apart.
Warnings: angst, mentions of war/death/violence, cursing, George is a frazzled mess and just needs to be held, fluffy ending.
A/N: I have the biggest respect for the real life heroes of WWII (and all other wars, past & current), this work & all other works is based on the actor(s) and character(s) portrayed in the Band of Brothers series.
A/N pt 2: I was going to make this have smut but the more I wrote the more I just wanted him to be cuddled and loved. George deserves so much. Might think of a way to do a part 2 with some lovin' for our boy. I hope y'all enjoy this! Please comment, like, reblog <3 <3 <3
George and Malarkey entered the medic tent like zombies. Neither speaking, just going off of some internal compass pointing them towards their desired destination. Malarkey veers off to the right where Buck is laying on a cot, his eyes as vacant as theirs. George wanders up and down the rows, looking for a familiar face but starts to lose hope when he comes up short. Eventually he gently grabs the arm of a nurse walking by.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for someone." He gives her name and waits.
"Who's asking?" She gives him a skeptical stare and straightens her back.
"I'm George Luz with Easy Company. We're friends." He watches as she relaxes.
"Oh, I've heard of you. She's suppose to be resting for a few hours. Down the road on the left, third building, second floor, first door on the right." She gives him a quick smile and then hurries off in the direction she was originally going.
George follows her direction and soon enough, he's in front of the door. Two deep breathes later and he gives a sharp knock. He waits a beat and then knocks again, calling out to her. There's sounds of movement inside the room and then the door is pulled open. For a moment George feels guilty, having obviously disturbed her much needed nap, but the way he feels like he can finally breathe after seeing her chases the guilt away.
"Hey doll." He tries for his usual upbeat greeting but it comes out almost painful. Her eyes scan his face, a deep frown forming.
"What's wrong? Are you hurt?"
He opens his mouth to answer, but doesn't know what to say. Everything is wrong. Physically I'm fine but everything else is hurt. Before he can finish his thought, his vision is blurred with tears and a quiet sob escapes. As the next one slips out, he's partially falling/being pulled into her arms and maneuvered to the bed.
She situates them so that her back is against the headboard with him draped half on her and half on the bed, head on her torso as more sobs rack his body. The scene is enough to make her own eyes mist over. This isn't the George she knows; he's always the optimistic one with a quick joke or wisecrack to push the darkness away and bring a smile to everyone's faces. Having him cling to her like she's a lifetime and he's drowning makes her worry that this war has finally taken the last bit of light from someone she never thought would lose it. And that terrifies her.
Instead of pressing him to speak, she lets him purge his emotions out while running her fingers through his hair and offering soothing sounds. Eventually his tears start to slow and he focuses on evening out his breathing. She keeps running her fingers through his hair, letting him decide if he wants to talk or not. When he does start to speak, his voice still holds a quiver but the longer he talks, the stronger it becomes. He talks about everything that happened; how what happened with Buck, Guarnere and Toye was still fresh and effecting the company, that the bombings that just happened killed Much and Penkala right in front of him, how if he'd made it to their foxhole he would have been killed, how him and Lipton nearly did die and were only saved by a faulty wire in the bomb that landed right in front of them.
As he spoke, her heart broke again and again over his loses (hers too as she was also friends with this men) and her anxiety grew as he told her about his not once, but twice back to back near death experience. Being in the middle of a war you come to terms with the high probability that you will die, but holding someone and listening to their recount of it nearly happening is not something you can prepare for. Once he's done relaying everything, a heavy silence follows, both of them lost in their thoughts and feelings of the events.
Slowly, George lifts himself from laying on her, moving up on the bed so he's leaning back on the headboard next to her. He grabs one of her hands that is now in her lap and laces their fingers together.
"I thought of you." He keeps his eyes on their interlocked hands, running his thumb back and forth over her soft skin. He see's her turn her head to look at him out of the corner of his eye.
"What do you mean?" She asks when he doesn't look like he's going to continue.
"When I was looking at that bomb at my feet, waiting for it to go off and finish me. You hear of other people that go through near death experiences and they see their life flash before their eyes. That's what I thought was going to happen, that I'd see my family and hometown and family dog. I'd remember all the big and small things I did, things I'd forgotten about. But that didn't happen. Instead, all I could think about was you. How you always make me work for a real laugh from you but I usually get a playful smile and eyeroll, how your tongue peaks out of the corner of your mouth when you're focused on finishing a wrapping or stitch just right, how you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen especially covered in dirt, how I wanted to kiss you that night by the lake when I told you the moonlight in your hair made you look like a goddess but I was too scared." George turns his head to meet her eyes.
"Why are you telling me this?" She whispers.
"Because I'm scared in a different way now. I was scared of starting something when this war could take either of us away at any moment. But after that bomb, all I'm scared of is dying without ever knowing what we could have. Never being able to kiss or hold you like I want. Never telling you that...I love you." George turns enough to face her, maintaining eye contact as he slowly leans his head towards her. "Tell me you don't feel the same. Tell me I'm just losing my mind and I'll leave."
"I love you too, George. However long we have left on this Earth, I want us to be together." She squeezes his hand that was still holding hers and puts her free one on his cheek. The smile that breaks out across his face isn't his usual smirk or something goofy to get a laugh, but a true pure smile that warms her heart. Sending him a matching smile, she tilts her head up and closes the gap between their lips.
The kisses are slow and sweet, almost tentative. Neither of them wanting to break the small bubble of peach they'd crafted around themselves. As they keep up their light exploration of each others mouths, they shift lower onto the bed so they're laying on their sides, wrapped up in each others arms. She pulls back slightly, taking in his soft smile and sleepy eyes, and gives him a quick peck.
"Rest with me a little bit?"
"Long as I get to hold you." He kisses her lips again, then the top of her head before resting his his head on top of hers, holding her as close as possible against himself.
Just as he's drifting off to sleep, he thinks: this is how I want to die, wrapped up in her arms.
#george luz#george luz x reader#band of brothers#band of brothers fanfic#fic request#band of brothers request#hbo war#hbo band of brothers
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Can you rec your top five luztoye fics to get us in the vibe?
Beloved, can I! With this, I went with fics that I don't see recced a lot for Luztoye, so if there's anything anyone wants added on to the list, feel free to do so!
Since this gave me a bit of freedom, I went with non-canon era fics, mainly to shake it up a bit. If someone would like a canon list, feel free to let me know, and I'd be delighted to :). With that, let's get into it below the cut. (Fics in no particular order).
- each and every day (of the year) by bruce_the_shark
Joe grins, lifts his hand from George’s hip to grip him by the chin, twists his face around to catch his lips in a bruising kiss. George relishes in it, likes how the taste of Joe’s preferred brand of liquor mixes with the taste of his own on his tongue. He grins against Joe’s lips, knows it’s going to be a good year.
rated m | 21.6k | modern au | granted, i haven't read this one in a while, but it's very sweet and has a very nice montage-esq vibe to it. very lovely read, especially if you're not in the mood for heavy angst :).
- the road is long, we carry on by rebelsquad (wolveheart)
“There is no good ending for people like us, George.” George says what he always says and what always feels like a half-truth, like there could be more to it but it won’t come out of his mouth. “If the ending sucks, we should make the story before as good as we can.”
unrated | 4k | mob au | this fic changed something in my mind, i'm not even kidding. very well done luz pov, very sweet, with an open ending and that good ol' yearning. not very big on mob aus, but this one was so well done that i enjoyed it very much <3.
- You Got The Best of Me by roaroftheninth/@almost-a-class-act
People assume that when Joe thinks about his life, it’s in terms of before the accident and after. Instead, he thinks about it in terms of before and after meeting George.
rated m | 61.3k | modern au | it wouldn't be a luztoye rec list without something by sam, but this fic is also just genuinely so wonderfully done and thought out. you can tell how i feel about it by seeing the completely normal and hinged comments i left on it, if you need more persuasion.
- Punch-Up by Disastrous_Canasta/@disastrouscanasta
It was in no way picture-perfect, or even anything like what George had imagined he’d love doing, but it was them. It was something they’d figured out through trial and error, learning what worked for them and what didn’t. They’d meant to share relief, ages ago. But had somehow stumbled down this path of showers and mornings and late nights, but he wasn’t sure what he’d do without it. OR A surprisingly uncomplicated “It’s complicated” dynamic.
rated e | 13.3k | film industry au | genuinely one of my favorite characterization fics for luztoye, as well as some top-notch worldbuilding and wonderful prose. <3
- meet me on the dancefloor by brokenarrows5
“Hey there stranger!” George yells, eyes crinkling. “Thought there’d be no chance of you out here!” “Changed my mind,” Joe responds.
rated t | 1k | modern au | very very short and sweet, but with wonderful voices and humor throughout. a very nice read :)
#band of brothers#fic recs#luztoye#george luz#hbo war#joe toye#joseph toye#asks#authors note: i don't know why i went with au fics when so much more of what i read is canon. i like suffering ig
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#rie posts#heavily debated between malarkey and luz before deciding there needs to be more luz angst out there#band of brothers#george luz#hbo war
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practically begging for some george luz w/ enemies to lovers. everyone always writes amazing friends to lovers but there’s sm potential w e2l !!! love ur writing btw xx
Jokes on You (George Luz x Fem!Reader)
Requested by: anon
Summary: George Luz is a funny guy, there is absolutely no denying that. He likes making jokes, and he likes it even more when people laugh at them. So what happens when there comes a person who makes just as good jokes as George? Or maybe even better? Some enemies to lovers for y’all.
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @teenmagazines @meteora-fc @eugenesmorphine @band-of-brothers-cz @real-fans @not-john-watsons-blog @tealaquinn @ok-roemanov @mrseasycompany @punkgeekchic @wexhappyxfew @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @rayofshanshine @mavysnavy @easynix @georgeluzwarmhugs @easy-company-tradition @immrsronaldspeirs @snafus-peckuh @curraheewestandalone @warrior-healer @justamadgirlinabox @happyveday @order-of-river-phoenix @whoahersheybars @nixoninc
Warnings: like two swear words, angst in the form of Bastogne
A/N: I so suck at endings.
Cracking jokes and making people laugh is George’s thing and his only, that’s how it’s always been. He is the funny guy in the group, that’s how he likes to define himself, the funny one. But to define is to limit and George has made the mistake of limiting himself to clinging to one particular personality trait, humour.
And then Y/N came along; about four months into the boot camp Y/N got reassigned from Dog Company to Easy Company for reasons no one knew, except for Lewis Nixon perhaps. George did not start hating her per say right from the moment he met her, but ever since she beat him to the joke when watching his favourite movie he’s strongly despised her. From then on, the feelings only got stronger; she’s always making the whole Company laugh, some of the jokes even on his account which George does not like one bit, hell she even managed to make Blithe chuckle that one day after D-Day.
Y/N had no idea what she triggered by her naturally jokester nature until she had to face a very pissed off George after she blabbed some joke about some actress and then a very pissed off George is the only kind of George she has had the privilege of meeting. The woman has pondered greatly about what she could have possibly done to anger the man so, but nothing came to mind and she soon gave up. George continued and stubbornly continues to be rude to her so she should only repay his “kindness”.
After Carentan, the word of Operation Market Garden is in the air and the Allies are particularly optimistic. Easy is in the pub, celebrating its successes in the war, while some reinforcements are trying to mingle. Y/N is watching it all from behind, the old breed not wanting to socialize with the newbies at all and sometimes the situations can get truly hilarious.
Somehow, in a few minutes, she finds herself behind a table with Luz, Malarkey, Muck and other three reinforcements who are just drinking up George’s story about his valour in Normandy. Her lips itch upwards from now and then, George’s drunkenness making it all the more amusing. Y/N can tell the new guys are impressed and somewhat terrified as well and one of them puts a pin on it when he asks Luz, “And what rank are you?”
The table sits in silence for a moment, for absolutely no one expected such question, not even the other reinforcements, then Malarkey and Muck burst out laughing, almost tipping over their beers.
Y/N chuckles, reaches over, and pats the guy’s arm. “Oh c’mon, it is Private!”
That absolutely finishes off Don and Skip, Skip eventually falls off his chair, the reinforcements are now laughing too; the mood slightly more friendly and at ease than before. Not for everyone though.
George is red to his ears, as he frowns. “The joke wasn’t that good. And it’s not even true.”
Donald is hiccupping now but manages to answer, “A- a bit c- corny, yes, but f-fucking b-brilliant.”
At this point the Company is divided into two parts only, one part bets on the two of them killing each other and the other parts bets on them fucking; which it will be is truly in the stars for George and Y/N are face to face again, both of them red in the cheeks from all the anger, both of them shouting some incoherent insults, and as Penkala has put it, “See? Honestly I can really see both happening. They will either kill each other or fuck, there is absolutely nothing in between.”
But then Market Garden happens, an underestimated operation, that leaves behind too many dead than it should and when all of Easy is boarded on trucks, retreating, the company is two people short.
Bull Randleman and Y/N Y/L/N.
The officers discuss what can be done, and despite all of the men wanting to go and save the two of the best soldiers in the company, they know they can’t. And exactly that is making George Luz lose his mind. He can’t really understand why he is so restless, anxious, and downright terrified throughout the whole night; he tosses and turns, he is not able to bring himself to close his eyes.
But then in the morning he sees Y/N on the jeep next to Bull and suddenly he feels like he could fly and go to Berlin and kill Hitler, just so he could see the carefree smile on her face.
It clicks in him just then, and Malarkey pats his shoulder. “So, you’ve finally figured it out, huh?”
George turns to him, confused. “What?”
Malarkey laughs, shaking his head, and says, “Don’t play dumb with me, you idiot, I saw it just now.”
As much as George would like to answer his friend, he truly has no idea what he is talking about, and when that dawns on Donald, he offers George a sympathetic smile.
“Okay, let me put your thoughts to words, ‘cause you’re such an oblivious idiot that you probably wouldn’t figure it out by the time this motherfucking war is over,” Malarkey continues, “you don’t hate her, do you, not really.”
It is not even a question, more of a statement, and George really wants to protest, more than anything, because it is ridiculous, right?
The plan to be home by Christmas isn’t really working out for the Allies but the soldiers of Easy Company have already forgotten about those false hopes, they aren’t the ones to be bothered with when you freeze your ass off in a foxhole in the middle of a forest where the trees blow up every now and then and the place becomes a tornado.
Y/N shares a foxhole with Muck and Penkala, the trio trying to lighten up their gloomy moods with laughter. But even Y/N is running out of jokes now, so when doc Roe runs up to them, asking for scissors, she’s more than happy to go look for them with him too, the need to stretch her stiff and frozen body overpowering her whole self.
She’s just a couple of meters away from her foxhole when another German artillery attack comes and the whole forest becomes a hurricane of explosions, splinters, and blood. The soldier throws herself to the ground, crawling her way, slowly, back to her foxhole, Muck and Penkala shouting something at her she can’t hear, encouraging her to hurry up.
Dirt is everywhere, she barely can see, she covers her ears and head with her hands as another hit comes; she continues right after the explosion, crawling, crawling, crawling.
Muck and Penkala are still shouting at her, she is getting closer; Y/N can hear another artillery attack coming but this time she doesn’t stop proceeding, she knows she has to get into the foxhole soon, so she keeps on pushing.
The explosion comes. Everything goes white for a moment. The pressure wave makes her stop moving, and she is forced to close her eyes and cover her head with her hands.
She opens her eyes. There is nothing.
Seconds ago, there were two people, now there is nothing, nothing left, not a single trace that there have ever human beings stood.
Y/N can’t bring herself to move, she stares blankly into the space before her, her limbs are stiff. But then some arms grab her body, she can hear someone shouting at her.
3 seconds. That’s all it takes her to get back. She holds on to George’s arms as they run together to another foxhole, jumping right in. He immediately brings her into his body, she wraps her arms around his torso instinctively, holding onto him so tight, her head resting on his chest. George shields her body from everything outside and when the bombing finally stops, they don’t let go of each other for another few moments.
It isn’t until a few years after the war and they are married to each other, when they finally talk about what happened that day in the forest of Bois Jacques, not a day sooner. Ever since then, their relationship has been changed, both very much aware of it, neither of them brave enough to bring it up just yet.
It is in Haguenau, where they finally share a conversation. George finds her on her own, behind some building, hiding behind some sacks, looking at the river. He throws a Hershey bar into her lap and when she looks up in confusion, he offers her a warm tired smile.
“What did I do to deserve the affection of the one and only George Luz?” she tries to crack up a joke and chuckles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. George knows Y/N is exhausted beyond words.
He sits down next to her, as he opens his mouth to say something, but he rethinks it in the last second and nothing comes out. They sit out there for a few minutes, sharing the silence and strangely enough, it feels nice. George finally does not feel the need to talk all the time, the need to prove himself funny or worthy of other people’s attention.
“Have you ever been to Rhode Island?” he suddenly blurts out, surprising himself and her at the choice of the question.
Y/N smiles, doesn’t ask why or what. “No, never.”
“Then come with me.”
This time she asks what.
“After the war I mean, come home after the war with me.”
“But- but, you-“ she stutters, her cheeks slightly red, “but you hate me.”
George chuckles at that and looks at her. She has bags under her eyes that are a bit bloodshot (she hasn’t slept much in the last few days), her hair is dirty from dirt and sweat, her face has several scratches and marks, his eyes finds the most visible one just below her left cheekbone (he recalls that day in Carentan when a piece of shrapnel hit her and the wound looked way worse then it actually was for she had blood all over her left side of face, freaking out silently has never been so hard – he hadn’t known at that time what will come). He has never seen anything to maddeningly and purely beautiful as her.
“I thought I did, a very long time ago,” he says, “but actually I never did. I don’t hate you. How could I?”
Y/N looks at him and through all the pain, horror, and grief, she feels peace. It surprises her.
And so she responds, “Okay.”
“Okay what?”
“Okay, I will come home with you. How could I not?”
#imagine#hbo war#fanfic#band of brothers#band of brothers imagines#george luz#band of brothers imagine#ronald speirs#eugene roe#lewis nixon#george luz x reader#george luz imagine#george luz oneshot
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Some more Hcs!
What would be the BoB boys reactions to you having a mental breakdown?
Warnings: Fluffy<3, mild-angst.
Extra: The setting is while you and the boys are in war. But at a bar or smth.
Bull Randleman.
•He first noticed your heavy breathing and how you were breathing faster than usual. He asked you if something was going on but you hid it and said everything was fine.
•He immediately knew everything wasn't fine when your breathing started to get faster and you started to whimper.
•He looked over at you and asked you if you were okay and you didn't say anything.
•He then hugged you and comforted you. Saying things like, "I got ya." Or "it's alright, cry it out."
•He was giving you time and patting your back as you cried in his chest.
•He then asked you what caused the break down to happen but you didn't answer it immediately.
•And he was completely fine with it.
•Once you were able to actually breathe properly and actually talk, you told him you were having a mental breakdown due to the stress you're getting from the war and everything.
•He completely understood you, he also felt stressed at times, he just didn't show it.
•He comforted you and told you that you and him were gonna get through this together and you both will stay alive.
•After you calmed down, you just hung around next to him. And he was protecting you from other people.
Eugene Roe.
•He noticed that you weren't okay when you were just breathing heavily, your hands started to shake too and he knew you were having a mental breakdown.
•It wasn't the first time he noticed you had a mental breakdown either.
•He comforted you, said some words in French affectionately to calm you down, anything that would help you really.
•He had you in his arms and just kept you there as you cried in his chest.
•Tears going on his uniform, making it damp, but he didn't care or mind. The only mission he had, to make you feel better.
•After you calmed down he asked you if you were okay. You said you were feeling better.
•He kissed your head affectionately and said some quiet words in French, some words of endearment.
•Like "Je t'aime chéri." (I love you, darling.) Or "Tu es magnifique bébé." (You're gorgeous, baby."
•His voice soothed you and you felt at ease.
•It didn't take that long for you to calm down either. He's the master of being calm.
George Luz.
•Let's be real, he's not very good at comforting people.
•He blanks out, he tries to make jokes but they don't help or work.
•So when he saw you having a mental breakdown, he spaced out with wide eyes and didn't know what to do.
•At first he tried to comfort you by putting his hand on your shoulder, but that didn't seem to work.
•So he switched to plan B.
•"You want some water...?"
•He didn't even ask if you wanted tissues, poor boy😭
•He eventually had to switch to plan C, which was just sit there doing absolutely nothing.
•He felt awkward, he felt guilty that he couldn't comfort or help you in any way and that's what made it even worse.
•Eventually, you calmed down and he immediately hugged you.
•He kept apologizing because he couldn't comfort you.
•You chuckled a little and said that it was okay. And that you understand.
•He still doesn't know how to comfort you when you have mental breakdowns at times but he asks Winters or someone responsible to give him tips.
Bill Guarnere.
•Two words, "oh shit."
•He freaks out and panics, he doesn't know how to comfort you either like Luz.
•But he doesn't blank out. He is very much aware and he sees you right in front of him, crying.
•He didn't know what to do and he felt ashamed.
•He put some tissues in front of you silently and letting you cry it out.
•After some time, he glanced at you and noticed you calmed down and were doing better.
•He asked you multiple questions, if you were okay, what happened, and some more.
•He was listening to you and made sure to at least try and comfort you after you answered his questions.
•He handed you a beer and smiled at you, saying it was gonna be okay.
•Phew, that was a close on.
Lewis Nixon.
•He put down everything he had in his hand and walked to your side.
•He was concerned, worried, anxious, you name it.
•He asked you if you were okay. And he knew you weren't but he wanted to make sure.
•You didn't answer his questions at first and he pulled you into a light embrace.
•Holding you tightly, making sure to stroke your hair at times, and saying it's okay.
•He knew how to comfort you, and he was quite good at it too.
•But then again, he's done it so many times now that none of this new.
•He kept comforting you and rubbing your back, shushing you quietly, hoping you'd calm down.
•Once your cries stopped and it was silent, he said, "You done with the waterworks?"
•Obviously it was light-hearted teasing and he didn't want to make it seem like a rude comment.
•Especially when you were in a fragile state.
•Most of the time, you were chatting with him while he held your hand.
•He did all of this, while being calm (somewhat)
Ronald Speirs.
•He looked at you with an unfazed expression, but deep down, he was freaking out and wanted to comfort you immediately.
•But it would ruin his reputation, the stern and strict Lieutenant comforting a woman? Sure, doesn't sound so bad but to him it's a big deal.
•But his heart got the best of him and he walked to you, comforting you and planting soft little kisses on your head.
•All while staying silent. He never talked much, but this was because he was silently panicking, hoping you were okay.
•After a little while of him just holding you, you calmed down and told him how grateful and thankful you were that he came to comfort you.
•He nodded silently and patted your back.
•"You okay now?"
•He would ask when you finished talking.
•When you nodded, he felt at ease and felt a pang of relief.
•Nobody was making fun of him either, except maybe Guarnere and Perconte, due to him being a strict and serious man.
Joseph Liebgott.
•As soon as he saw you panicking and breathing faster, he knew something was up.
•He looked you up and down checking for any more signs of a mental breakdown.
•You seemed to check off most of the signs and he knew he had to spring to action.
•He put his hand on your shoulder and started talking to you.
•"It's alright, you're alright, calm down."
•He usually said that, and he walked you through the steps to breathing properly.
•You did this for a good 5 minutes and when you both stopped and you calmed down, you felt your breathing get better and the tears stopped rushing down your eyes.
•You were feeling a lot better thanks to him, and you were very grateful that he helped you.
•You told him thank you so many times and he just waved his hand and would just say "my pleasure."
•On the outside, it seemed that he was laid back and chill, but on the inside, he felt anxious that if he didn't come to help, it would've gotten worse.
#eugene roe#george luz#ronald speirs#bill guarnere#lewis nixon#bull randleman#joseph liebgott#band of brothers#bob#hbo war
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It’s All About Trust
Joe Liebgott X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, war, fluff (an attempt anyway I think), swearing, Briefly mention of reader being a medic, reader has a shit ton of siblings (relatable), not that many physical descriptions if any, mentions of death, normal Band of Brothers stuff
Sorry if this is bad. I’ve never written any BoB fanfiction and really have like hardly any writing experience at all so hopefully this isn’t horrible. Please give me feed back if you want. Thank you! Also sorry for the ending. It’s kinda abrupt but it’s the best I could get lol
Bois Jacques is hell. A very very cold hell. Nothing could truly combat the cold that seeps into everyone around me. Not even the plainish slop they feed us in an attempt at food. Or in the current case, cold, hard “pancakes”, or that’s what Domingus says they are.
Don pokes at his and calls after our ever so kind cook, “Joe these smell like my armpit!”
“At least your armpit is warm.” Skip grumbles from Malarkey’s side as he holds his pancake up for emphasis.
“You want syrup with that?” Domingus sasses back to him.
“Joe, be honest, what’s in these things anyway?” Don asks the retreating man.
“Nothing you won’t eat, Malarkey.” He replies.
“I won’t eat Malarkey.” Spina shoots back quickly causing us all grouped up to let out a chorus of laughs.
Julian brings back the topic of Babe and Spina’s run in with a German on their search for 3rd Battalion. “Hey, maybe Hinkle would like your share, huh?”
This happens to hit my funny bone and I let out a snort leading to the rest of the men’s laughter to only further increase until Peacock comes around looking for Dike.
“Try battalion CP, sir.” I tell the man. The rest of us wait for him to walk away on his hunt for the company CO before we break our into giggles again.
“Try Paris.” Skip laughs.
“Try Hinkle.” Malarkey adds, only increasing our laughter and before I know it tears are pricking my eyes.
Spina begins his less than great German impression and I have to leave before I piss myself laughing.
I seem to run into a brick wall in my way back to my foxhole, tears of laughter still stinging my eyes.
“Sorry ‘bout that (y/n/n).” A deep southern voice speaks from above me.
I take a look and send a smile at the blonde who’s got me held by the shoulders.
“You’re all good Bull, no harm done.” I tell him as I step out of his hold. “Sorry about that.”
“No harm done.” He repeats before walking away with a smile sent to me.
I continue to make my way back to my temporary home of a frozen foxhole. I look down to find none other than Joseph Liebgott.
I’ve always had a soft spot for the rageful Jew. I don’t think it’s any specific thing that made me so drawn to him but rather his whole entire being.
On the other hand he’s never shown any direct attraction to me. Sure nearly all the men of Easy have sent me a glance at least once but I don’t blame them, I’m one of the few women they’ve interacted with past a single night in around 2 years. But past a glance none of the boys have soberly tried anything.
Especially Joe. He’s not unfriendly to me but he’s never really gone out of his way to interact with me. Not until now.
He’s sitting alone in my foxhole, hands tucked under his armpits, gun leaning in the dirt next to him, and his eyes intensely trained on the line.
“Joe? Did you get lost?” I ask him with a small laugh.
“Uh?” He looks up at me and gives me a small smile. “Not lost, just looking for someone to talk to.”
“Luz’s hole is like 2 over that way.” I told him pointing in the direction of the jester’s own hiding place.
“Well good thing I wasn’t looking for George then, yeah?” He says with his trademark smirk. “I can leave if you’d like me to, though.”
"You're fine, but can I ask a question?" I asked as I began the short descent into the frozen foxhole.
"Shoot away (y/l/n)." The Californian told me, looking back at the line across the cold, white field.
"Why are you talking to me? I'm don't mean to be rude but you've never put any effort into having any interaction with me." I asked sitting across from him and stuffing my frozen hands into my jacket pockets.
"I'm just trying to be friendly. No time better than the present, right? Do you have a problem with that? I can leave if you need me to." Joe had begun to get a little defensive but that's hardly surprising when he'll jump at a chance to be upset, whether isn’t reasonable or not.
"Why now? There's hardly a point in making friends when fucking Babe and Spina barely just ran from a Kraut fucking foxhole so excuse my confusion at your extremely sudden olive branch when we're all about to be sent home either on a stretcher or in an enveloped as a piece of shitty metal with our names stamped into it!" I grabbed my dog tags and shook them for emphasis. It took all of my self control to not start yelling or crying, but I could feel the sting of unshed tears at my eyes. "We're all going to be blown to kingdom come by all of this damned artillery." I whisperd.
"Hey. That's not true. We've made it this far but look at us. Sitting in this frozen hell hole and you're alive, I'm alive, and so is Bull and George, Don, Babe, Doc, Skip, Penkala, Perco, and Buck and Lip." He began listing some of the guys we had been with for so long. "I know it's scary and there's not a single thing I can promise you to make anything seem ok, because I'm scared and I have no clue what's going to happen even 10 seconds from now but one thing I can tell you that might make you feel slightly better is that you've made it this far. You made it through Sobel's shitty personalty, Normandy, Carentan, and I know that if you have made it this far without a scratch then what can take you down? You’re what, one of nine kids back at home, you managed to talk and work your way into the airborne and then continue to be an absolute badass throughout boot camp and combat!” He took a break to really look at me and I took that as an opportunity to defend myself and my feelings.
“I’m really flattered but don’t you think I’ve been too lucky? I’ve come so far with nothing more than a bruise and I’m sure the next thing you know I’ll be blown to pieces! I don’t know why I thought I could do this, Joe! I’m fucking terrified and there’s no where to go!” I can feel the tears beginning to well in my eyes and in a sorry attempt to stop them I look to the sky. “I don’t know what I’m doing here anymore.”
“Hey, you can’t go thinking like that. You’re going to make it out of here alive. I need you to believe that because trust me when I say that you are the toughest damned woman I’ve ever met in my life.” He scooted closer to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side.
The tears couldn’t be held any longer and the dam broke, salty waves rolling down the sides of face into my hair line. A sob escaped my lips before I could muffle it with a fist that had been stuffed between my lips only seconds too late.
“I’m sorry.”
“No need to be sorry, (y/n), we’re all feeling it, you’re the only one brave enough to let anyone see it.”
I let out a scoff. ‘Brave’ is not the right word to use. “I’m pathetic. I’m sitting here crying, doing nothing to help anyone around me who has it worse. I’m a a medic for fuck’s sake, I shouldn’t be crying when I routinely see how bad I could have it.”
Joe had only pulled me closer and wrapped his other arm around me, essentially cradling my shaking form. “Don’t you see? That’s what makes you so brave, (y/n). You see all these men in so much pain and put yourself in harms way to make sure they get patched up and safe. You are completely allowed to be overwhelmed and scared and cold and any other feeling a person can have. Not one man here would blame you for being upset right now. They know that as long as you are safe so are they, because when shit goes down you’re always there to help us.” He was talking so softly and so gently that I couldn’t help but cry harder.
“Oh fuck.” I muttered , wiping at my eyes. “I’m sorry Joe.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for Doll.” He gave me an affectionate pat. “Just know that you are such a light in the dark here, and not one of the men in these woods would judge you right now.”
I gave him a weak smile and sniffed, wiping at my eyes and nose. “Thank you, Joe, really. I’m forever grateful.”
“Oh don’t mention it, just don’t go telling anyone that I give out cuddles, I can’t have my reputation ruined like that.” Joe snickered with his smirk and a pat to my side.
“Your secret is safe with me as long as you don’t go telling people I cry.” I tittered and wrapped my arm around his neck.
“Your secret is safe with me, (y/n).”
“How do I know you’re not lying to me?”
“It’s all about trust. I trust you, you trust me; that’s how this has to work, yeah?” I was nearly bumping noses with him and if I wanted to I could just lean in a little and kiss him. The thought quickly crosses my mind but part of me knows better.
“I trust you, Joseph Liebgott.” I meant it, with more of my heart than I thought was still there.
#band of brothers#hbo war#easy company#joe liebgott#joe liebgott x reader#bob fanfic#bob fandom#bull randleman#donald malarkey#medic reader
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i simply MUST know more!!!
luztoye x-men au drives me MENTAL. it's my bastard child but i support it nonetheless. always famous to me, luztoye x-men au.
the lore is all over the place but toye is vaguely wolverine and he and luz are In Love. queue mutant school nonsense and also angst because toye can't stay with luz and has to figure shit out. you know how it is
have a snippet for reading that ^ word vomit
“You’d like the kids, Joe,” George said. His mouth was still turned up in a smile, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. “They’d like you.”
“I’m not a teacher.” Joe said. They’d been over it before, time and time again. Joe thought about it when he was away, and when they were together, George always asked him the same thing, will you stay this time?
“Neither was I. Hell, they made a teacher out of Speirs. You could do it too.”
Joe just shook his head. He knew the script to this, same as George. “I can’t, I have to—“
“I know.” George conceded, placing his hand over Joe’s. “You’ve gotta do this for you. That it’s not about me. Maybe, one day you’ll do things for us.”
“George—“ It wasn’t them, never had been.
“No,” George stroked the back of Joe’s hand delicately, too soft. He knew that he didn’t have to be so gentle, didn’t he? “It’s not about the team, Joe. It’s about— no one else misses you as much as I do.”
“I miss you. Every time.”
There was an easy answer, then stay. But that wasn’t how it worked. It was an empty thing to say, especially when they both knew that it wasn’t possible.
Something in Joe, though, wanted to promise it. To tell George that he’d take a step back and that they could finally build something. Something real. But that wasn’t possible, not now, maybe not ever.
George cast his eyes down, he ran his thumb over the soft skin around Joe’s knuckles.
“You’re the toughest guy I know.” He said. “You’re— well, you’re probably the safest one of any of us. Can’t hurt you, Joe.”
“It does hurt.” Joe said. “Every time.”
“I know. But you’re always gonna be okay. I know that, I’ve seen it. I’ve seen you come back from gunshots, fucking explosions. You’ve been torn apart and somehow you always put yourself back together. That’s a fact. Still keeps me up at night, though. I wonder if you’re alright. Maybe something happened to you, and you’re stuck somewhere, but there’s no one to help you. Maybe you’re in pain. Maybe—“
He dropped his hand to the metal of Joe’s right leg. Firm and unyielding, startlingly inhuman, same as it has been for years.
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